Reducing Electricity Bills the Smart Way

lightning bolt

AI appliance recognition

lightning bolt

Granular electricity-use data

lightning bolt

Personalised insights

We help people save 20% on their electricity bills.

What is CLIP?

Energy data graph

AI appliance detection

A single CLIP sensor can recognise individual appliances. It tells you how much electricity each of them is using in real-time.

Insights about energy use

Personalised insights

The CLIP app gives you suggestions on how to reduce your electricity use. It can also alert you if something unexpected happens.

Meet the Team

Team Member 1

Joseph, CEO

Joseph specialises in developing IoT hardware. He spends his spare time doing a part-time MBA and cycling to work.

Team Member 2

Freya, COO

Freya leads our app development and user research. In her free time she enjoys yoga and developing frameworks for responsible AI.

Team Member 3

Anna, CTO

Anna leads our machine learning. If she’s not at her desk coding, you’ll find her up a mountain as a pro mountaineer!